This Baltic country is located between Estonia,
Russia, Byelorussia and Lithuania. In the north on the Estonian border there is
one twin city - Valka is the Latvian name and Valka on Estonian side.
In Riga in February 1938 Latvia and Poland signed
the declaration about border delimitation. Yet even before that date the
existence of a shared border considerably encouraged bilateral contacts: there
were several border crossing and customs posts, Latvia and Poland were linked by
rail traffic, etc. The border guards of both states exerted considerable effort
to fight smuggling and occasionally co-operated across the border in this
regard. As the Second World War begun in September 1939, over 1500 Polish
military (being interned in Latvia) and several hundreds civilian refugees found
shelter in Latvia. >From then on the part of Poland, which bordered on
Latvia, was occupied by the USSR and the guard of that span of the border was
considerably strengthened from the Latvian side. Latvian-Polish border was a
definite factor that reflected the bilateral relations and relations in the
entire region and stimulated particularly diverse and active contacts during the
two decades.
Today 1350 km state border is dry. The
Republic of Latvia has dry border with 4 countries: in north with
Republic of Estonia (343 km), in east with Russian Federation (276 km),
in southeast with the Republic of Byelorussia (161 km) and in south
with Republic of Lithuania (576 km).
On March 20, 1993 Latvia
and Estonia have concluded an agreement about the restoration of 337 km
long boundary line. Construction of the united border-control checkpoint
Valka-Valga on the territory of Latvia is planned at the Latvian-Estonian
On July 29, 1993 Latvia and
Lithuania have concluded an agreement about the establishment of 576 km
long boundary line. In spring 1995 a border post No.1 was installed on the
Latvian-Lithuanian border near Pape. Later on the work on arrangement of
the border was continued.
All the works on the border arrangement have been
completed on the Latvian-Lithuanian and Latvian-Estonian borders by the end of
On 21 February 1994 Latvia and the Republic of
Byelorussia have concluded an agreement on demarcation of 171 km long boundary
line. On 1 April 1998 the contract with state enterprise "MELIOPROJEKTS"
has been signed on demarcation of the Latvia-Byelorussia state boundary. On 16
May 1998 Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia Guntars Krasts and Prime
minister of the Republic of Byelorussia Sergey Linga participated in the solemn
installation of the 1-st border post of the Latvian-Byelorussian border at the
Silene-Urbane border-control check-point. On 30 September 1998 the Kaplava
border guard department complex has been opened and the construction of the
Silene border guard department complex has been undertaken.
The question concerning the
292 km long border between the Latvian Republic and Russian Federation has
not been legally settled yet. That is why the demarcation of the border
has not been started. On 2 October 1988 Punduri border guard department
and border-crossing point complex was opened in Baltinava pagast of Balvi
district. In 1998 the first stage of reconstruction of Vilaka State border
guard administration complex and construction of the State Border guard
Canine training center at Rezekne border guard school have been set out.
It is planned to launch these objects in 1999. Based upon the Rezekne
border guard training center, established on 12 May 1992 the State Border
guard Rezekne border guard school was created, which was accredited on 15
May 1998. Border guard college established at Latvia Police academy.
42 border-control points
act in the Republic of Latvia, among them: 15 act on highways, 11 on a
railway, 14 at sea terminals, and 2 at airports. To ensure easy crossing
of the border for borderer and citizens of the Baltic States, 19
border-crossing points act on the Latvian border. All the border-control
check-points are computerized.
are no disagreements between Latvia and its neighbouring countries
concerning the delimitation of the border. The demarcation of the border
with the Republic of Estonia has been accomplished on 29 February 2000.
The demarcation has been completed on the Latvian – Lithuanian border
and necessary documents was planned to be finalised by the end of 2001.
is no border agreement signed with the Russian Federation. However, the
Latvian side has prepared a draft agreement on the state border with the
Russian Federation, which has been approved by the Latvian Government.
The demarcation of the Latvian-Belarus border is still under way.
Jēkabsons, Ē. Latvijas
un Polijas robeža 1919.-1939. gadā. Daugavpils Universitātes
Humanitārās fakultātes XII Zinātnisko lasījumu
materiāli. Vēsture. VI sējums, I daļa. Daugavpils:
Daugavpils Universitātes izdevniecība Saule, 2003. 132 lpp.>69.-79.lpp.
Abstracts from «History of
Latvia independency border guarding»
paper of the Republic of Latvia
to the European Union
- Chapter 24 “Co-operation in the fields of Justice and Home Affairs”
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