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LTPLRU (2010)
LT Border Markers
Places of Interest
Jan S. Krogh's Geosite: Border Points of Lithuania

Lazdijai custom station on the Polish border. («Lietuvos Respublika» means «Republic of Lithuania» in Lithuanian language (2012). 

Vis Border markers of Lithuania i et střrre kart
Clickable border markers and locations at the border of Lithuania.

Lazdijai customs station photographed in 2003 before joining Schengen.

I have been living in Lithuania since 1991. Therefore you will find more documentation about this country's borders than any other!   But I am far from finished... Do also look up under «BY-LT» (Byelorussia-Lithuania) where you may find among other positions the Byelorussian-Lithuanian-Latvian Tripoint and the Adutiskis border city. You will also find more about Lithuania under «Places of Interest».

Borders of Lithuania

Dry boundary Wet bounday Boundary in total Border Treaty Ratification Valid from Demarcation Remarks
with Byelorussia ~ 380 km ~ 299 km 678.819 km 1995 LT: 23 Apr 1996 24 Apr 1996 Finished in 2007 Until 1941 boundary with the USSR. Present boundary has 1955 markers.
with Latvia 159.9  km 428.2 + 22.22 (sea) = 450,52 km 610.32 km 1. 14 May 1921 / 
2. Biržai, 29 Jun 1993
2. 26 Jan 1995 5 Jul 1995 1. Finished 30 Jun 1930 
2. Started in 1993, finished in 2000.
1930 demarcation 488 markers. Present boundary has 1806 markers. 
with Poland ~ 82.3 km ~ 21.4 km 103.7 km  2. 5 Mar 1996 2. 2 Jul 1996 23 Dec 1998 2. Finished 27 Aug 1994 Boundary based on 16 Aug 1945 Poland - USSR Treaty. 
with Russia 15 km 249.3 + 18.5 (Curonian Sea) + 22.22 (sea) = 290.02 km 305.02 km Moscow, 24 Sep. 1997 LT: 19 Oct 1999 
RU: 21 May 2003
12 Aug 2003 Started in 2011, not finished Until 1945 boundary with Germany.
with international waters in the Baltic Sea (territorial sea) ~ 64 km ~ 64 km 25 Jun 1992 Maritime boundary with Latvia, Russia and with international waters: 12 nautical miles (22.22 km). Economical boundary with Latvia, Russia and Sweden (14 km), ratified 2011. 
Totally ~ 637.1 km ~ 1124.94 km ~ 1761,859 km

Literature and links

In English (From the Lithuania's parliaments files):


Lithuanian only (From the Lithuania's parliaments files):

Lietuvos Respublikos ir Rusijos Federacijos sutartis "Dėl Lietuvos ir Rusijos valstybės sienos" 
[Republic of Lithuania and Russian Federation Treaty "About Lithuania's and Russia's State Border) 

Lietuvos Respublikos ir Lenkijos Respublikos sutartis "Dėl bendros valstybės sienos, su ja susijusių teisinių santykių, taip pat dėl bendradarbiavimo ir abipusės pagalbos šioje srityje"
[Republic of Lithuania's and Republic of Poland's Treaty "About Common State Border, and its Legal Situation, also About Co-operation and Common Assistance in this Fied] 

Lietuvos Respublikos ir Baltarusijos Respublikos sutartis "Dėl Lietuvos ir Baltarusijos valstybės sienos"
[Republic of Lithuania's and Republic of Byelorussia's Treaty "About Lithuania's and Byelorussia's Border"

Lietuvos Respublikos ir Latvijos Respublikos sutartis "Dėl valstybės sienos atstatymo"
[Republic of Lithuania's and Republic of Latvia's Treaty "About the State Border's Establishing"]

English (United Nations)

Legislation on the territorial sea (25 Jul 1992)

This page was last time updated 18/08/15 .