Tornio-Haparanda '02
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Finland – Sweden (Torneå – Haparanda)

Pic. 1:

This picture is showing my daughter at the boundary marker at the highway.

Pic. 2:  Photographed towards north. The boundary seems to go between the red plastic boundary markers (see in the right part of this photo (left of "FI")).

Pic. 3:  Approximately the same motif as last picture, but now from Finnish side of the border. The golf court is much used by both Scandinavians and foreigners from Europe.

Pic. 4:  This picture does not fit completely with the map. It seems water works have been carried out lately.

Pic. 5:  Pictured towards south from the main custom station.
Here is a relatively close photo of one of the plastic poles which seems to serve as a boundary markers.
The western part of the small headland seems to create an approximately 10 x 5 meter long pene exclave – a practical exclave – as the only land access to the area is through Finnish territory.

This page was last time updated on 17.11.12