Photos from north
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Photos taken from north towards south

The photos on this page are taken from the northern part of the former exclave/enclave and towards. The upper photo is taken in southern direction towards the former farmstead.

The road in front of the photographer was just inside the enclave. Land in front of the road was Byelorussian.

The road in front of the photographer was just inside the enclave. Land in front of the road was Byelorussian.

The road in front of the photographer was just inside the enclave. Land in front of the road was Byelorussian.

The farmstead in background.

Former Lithuanian territory to left of the road's right edge.

Former Lithuanian territory to left of the road's right edge.

Former Lithuanian territory to right of the road's left edge.

Former Lithuanian territory towards east.

Former Lithuanian territory towards southwest.

Former Lithuanian territory towards south.

Stones near the former administration line, but not former bordermarkers!

Stones near the former administration line, but not former bordermarkers!

Former Lithuanian territory towards east.

Former Lithuanian territory to right of the road's left edge.

This page was last time updated 01/04/10 .