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Jan S. Krogh's Geosite: Nordkapp

The globe at North Cape is the main goal for many international tourists visiting North Norway.

The post office with postcode N-9764 Nordkapp is located inside the tourist center at North Cape, but it is not the northernmost post office of Norway. N-9170 Longyearbyen (78° 13′ 24″ N, 15° 38′ 49″ E – and 837 km north of North Cape) is the correct address of the northernmost Norwegian post office, while the N-9173 Ny-Ålesund (78° 55′ 0″ N, 11° 56′ 0″ E – some 112 km further more north) keeps the northernmost Norwegian post code. Ny-Ålesund keeps no post office, only a small letter house.

The northernmost point of Norway is on Rossøya I. located on 80° 49′ 44.41″ N, 20° 20′ 32.29″ E while the northernmost point of Europe is Cape Fligely, Russia on 81° 50′ 35″ N, 59° 14′ 22″ E. The northernmost point on European mainland is Cape Nordkinn on 71° 8′ 2″ N, 27° 39′ 0″ E – not very far away from Nordkapp – only 67,5 km to the east – but not so easily accessible.

This page was last time updated 26/02/12 .