La Cure Markers
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Jan S. Krogh's Geosite: La Cure Border Markers (CH-FR)

La Cure is a border town divided between France and Switzerland. The major part of the town is located on French side, but the railway station is situated in Switzerland.  Ten boundary markers were used to demarcate the boundary dividing the town and at least four of its buildings. 

Border markers: 
(1921) – 220B (1921) – 221 (1983) – Old 221 (1863) – 222 (1993) – 222A (1921) – 222B (2001) – 222C (1921) – 223 (1863) – 223A (?) – 224 (1863)

La Cure Marker no 220 A

Photo from 2012 with the locations of La Cure border marker 220A and the old 221 marker.  Photo: Fronteras.

The first marker inside the town is 220A, located about 350 m southwest of marker 220.  The marker is located about 3 metres from the corner of the building. 

Marker 220A (1921).

Close-up photo of marker 220A.

Photo taken in northeastern direction from the marker 220A.


La Cure Marker no 220 B

A building is divided between marker 220A and 220B.  On this side of the building the French side is 6 metres wide. The distance between 220A and 220B is about 17 metres, while it is 5.6 metres between 220B and 221.  Photo: Fronteras.

Winter photo from the same angle as the former photo.

Location of marker 220B (1921).

Marker 220B close-up.

The Bar de la Dτle in La Cure is divided by the boundary. The bar desk is located in Switzerland, while the entrance door and most tables are located abroad. 


La Cure Marker no 221

Photo from marker 221 (1983), which is the first turning point, and in direction south towards marker 222. Distance is about 46 metres.

Historical photo with the original marker 221 and in distance, also old marker 222 (behind the car).

Close-up of marker 221.

The Old La Cure Marker no 221

The old marker 221 was in the beginning of the 1980s hit by a lorry and later replaced with a street plate marker.  Thereafter it was put behind the building (near 220A) as some kind of an indirect 221 marker, or more likely, simply in order to keep an old monument. On its right side it reads "221".

The front side bears a coat-of-arm and reads "VAUD". 

On the left side it reads "1863", the year of border treaty ratification and probably also the boundary demarcation. We can clearly see the same turning point as on the new street marker.

La Cure Marker no 222

Location of marker 222 (1993), photographed towards north. The French customs station straight ahead. 

The same marker photographed towards south and the Swiss customs station. This is the second turning point inside the town.  Distance towards marker 222A is 69 metres.  Photo from Google Earth and street marker insert photo: Fronteras.

La Cure Marker no 222 A

The main building of Hotel Arbez Franco-Suisse is divided with about 1/3 on the Swiss side and 2/3 on the French side.

The marker 222A (1921) is located on the cellar wall. Distance to marker 222B is 13 metres.

The marker is located exactly between the windows.

Marker 222A close-up.

La Cure Marker no 222 B

The building's length direction is following the border exactly, so also on this side the border is located between the 2nd floor windows.  Therefore the entire pub (brasserie) is located in France. 

Marker 222B (2001) is located in the corner.

Close-up of marker 222B.  This marker type is unique in La Cure, but is probably a replacement of an old 1921 type marker.. It is placed about 15 cm from the corner.  Distance to marker 222C is 9 metres.

La Cure Marker no 222 C

Marker 222C (1921) is placed about 2 metres above the ground due to the door.

Distance to the corner of the building is about 140 cm. 

The marker is located a few cm inside the hole. 

Close-up of marker 222C.  Distance to marker 223 is 7.5 metres.

La Cure Marker no 223

Marker 223 (1863) is the most well-known La Cure marker. This is the third turning point in La Cure. The stone is of the same type as the old marker 221, but painted in red colour. Photographed towards west and France. 

The French marker side has the old French eagle from the Imperial Coat of arms of France (1852–1870). Distance to marker 223A is 15.6 metres. 

The building south of marker 223 is slightly divided by the boundary. This building also houses hotel rooms of the Hotel Arbez, but here all rooms are located on the Swiss side.


La Cure Marker no 223 A

Marker 223A was not visited, but according to the border map it is located on the northern side of the hotel annex. Photo: Google Earth. 

Between marker 223A and marker 224 the boundary runs along a stone wall. Distance to marker 224 is 412 metres. 

La Cure Marker no 224

Marker 224 (1863) is of the same type as the old 221 marker and the 223 marker. It is also the forth and the last turning point in La Cure. From marker 224 the boundary again seems to divide a building slightly.  Distance to marker 225 is about 412 metres. 

This page was last time updated 24/05/13 .