DERU boundary
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Jan S. Krogh's Geosite: German - Russian (DERU) Boundary

As mentioned under «Vistytis - south» we found a hexagonal German boundary marker on the southern
shore of the same lake, but of this only 1-2 cm was visible above the ground. 

We were told it was destroyed by the Russians in 1940, and that it had a German Eagle on the top. At the Lithuanian border guard museum there might be samples of the authentic boundary markers from the DELT border. Diameter of the boundary marker on this photo is about 12 cm.

The present LTRU boundary is practically the same boundary as the old German-Russian boundary, one of the oldest in Europe.

The boundary is at the moment following land at the eastern bank of lake Vištytis. Anyhow unofficially people is allowed to in summer to bath, and in winter to ice fish, up to 200 meters from land.

At the southern point of the lake, in the bay we found a possible remain of the German -Russian boundary - an iron pole barely visible (see next picture).

See also the page about the Lithuanian-Polish-Russian tripoint

The boundary marker was probably of this type, an old 1920-40 German - Lithuanian border marker with German and Lithuanian colours, similar colours to the present Lithuanian type.  The marker was photographed 30 Oct 2009 at Lithuanian Border Museum in Vilnius. It is the property of Vytauto Didziojo War Museum in Kaunas.

This page was last time updated 4 Feb 2012.