Old Morokulien
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Old Morokulien Map Sketch

This is a sketch of Morokulien as it used to be before there was built a petrol station on the Swedish side. On Norwegian side the situation is more or less as it was. Brennastua is a building from the 1700s where the local municipality arranged its first meeting. This building was also used for radio station before the present log was being built. The territory of Morokulien was originally making 12 Scandinavian mål (equals 2.964 acres) on each side of the border, or totally 5.928 acres. Now it is slightly smaller due to reconstruction of the highway, but about 30 persons are working in Morokulien.

The "neutral zone" on the map is referring to a demilitarized zone between Norway and Sweden established in 1905. Until 1993 it was in Norway not allowed to carry any weapon closer to the Swedish border than 1000 metres. 

Sketch source: Fredsmonumentet – En milstolpe i historien, leaflet issued by Svenska Freds- och Skiljedomsföreningen.


This page was last time updated 05/04/12 .