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Jan S. Krogh's Geosite: Nida, Lithuania (LT) - Morskoje, Russia (RU) Border Crossing

Russia borders Lithuania at the Kaliningrad fragment at the Baltic Sea.  These photos are taken from Nida Border Station with Morskoje on the Curonian Split (April 2011).  The sign says that Nida Border Crossing Point is under video surveillance and that filming and photographing is prohibited.  (The photos on this page is taken with permission of the Lithuanian Border Authorities.)

Position: 55°16'47"N 20°57'50"E (WGS 84). 

The border vista towards east. From here there is about 1300 metres to the Curonian Lagoon. 

About the same image as above, but here we can see a second camera in the vista.  The cameras stand on the Lithuanian side of the border.

The vista is clean on ground, but the branches partly hides the boundary when watched from above.

The vista towards west. From here it is about 600 m to the Baltic Sea.

At the beach there is a Russian watch tower which stands a few metres from the borderline.  At this point there was in October 2012 placed standard border markers (a green-red Russian marker, white middle marker and a white Lithuanian marker).  On nine other points along the Curonian Split vista there were in the same period put up direct reversed marked boundary markers of a similar type as used on the Lithuanian-Latvian and Lithuanian-Polish boundaries; a single pole placed exactly on the boundary line and with insignia placed on the neighboring country's side. 

The Lithuanian part of the Curonian Split is a very popular tourist area. Here we in 2012 found the widest border protection zone in the country, 868 metres wide which makes one compare with the Soviet security zone against Western countries or the East German border zone during the Cold War.  At the boundary the split is 1900 metres wide. The sand dunes are about 900 m wide here. The boundary is an outer European Union and Schengen Treaty border. 

External links

1. The first nine Lithuanian-Russian land border markers were put on this boundary in October 2012. (Lithuanian text only.)

This page was first time published on 03 Nov 12.  This page was last time updated 03/11/12 .