Jan S.
Krogh's Geosite: Kul'kishki (BY) – Sakaline (LT)
divided village
The new Lithuanian border
guard boot with an ATV, from Byelorussian side. (Photos from 2006.)
The Lithuanian cousin's house
"A" in the middle of the photo, while his Byelorussian cousin
is living in house "B" in the right edge of this photo.
Lithuanian border marker and
middle marker 0625 photographed towards west and border marker 0624.
Sakaline in the background.
The two houses, A and B,
photographed from bordermarker 0625 towards north and border marker 0626. The situation in Kul'kishki is more or less the same as in
Sakaline. People here is poorer, the unemployment is bigger than on the
Lithuanian side of the border and less people is left. Without the help
from their Lithuanian neigbhbours the situation would be even tougher.
As we see, the "Schengen Wall" is a few metres inside
Lithuania, leaving the 5 metres between for Byelorussian use. (Unless
the Lithuanian guard protests.)
During our visit a fairly
famous border expert from Australia "suddenly" appeared at
Byelorussian border marker 0625... Photo towards south.